Refreshing THC Beverages from Melo: A Fun and Honest Review


I recently got to try the THC-infused beverages from Melo, and let me tell you, it was an experience worth sharing! These drinks are a fun and delicious way to enjoy the effects of THC while keeping things light and refreshing. Here’s what I thought of each flavor.


I was pretty excited about trying the grapefruit flavor because I’m a fan of anything citrus. Melo’s Grapefruit seltzer did not disappoint! The taste is tangy and refreshing, with just the right amount of bite to balance the sweetness. The THC was subtle, yet it made me feel relaxed and content. What I loved most was the light fizz that paired perfectly with the natural grapefruit flavor.

On the downside, I did notice that the aftertaste lingered a bit longer than I would’ve liked, but it wasn’t a deal-breaker for me. Overall, I enjoyed this one for its bright, summery taste and calming effects.
Buy Now Melo Grapefruit Here

Wild Berries

The Wild Berries flavor was next on my list, and let me say, this one is a treat for anyone who loves fruity flavors. It’s a blend of various berry flavors that burst in your mouth with every sip. The THC in this drink delivered a gentle, mellow buzz that set a cheerful and upbeat mood.

One thing I noticed was that the wild berry flavor can be a bit too sweet for some tastes, so if you’re not into sweet drinks, this might not be your top choice. However, I found it enjoyable, especially when chilling with friends on a warm day.
Buy Now Melo Wild Berries Here

Overall Thoughts

Both flavors offered a different experience, so it really depends on your taste preference. Grapefruit is great for a zesty, refreshing option, while Wild Berries is perfect for those who enjoy a fruity sweetness.

What I appreciate about Melo’s THC beverages is the convenience and the precise dosing. Whether you’re looking to unwind after a long day or just enjoy a fun time with friends, these drinks are a great choice. The effects are not too overpowering, and the taste is top-notch.

Happy sipping! Let me know what you think of these drinks if you decide to try them out. Cheers!

Ksenia Sobchak
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